Every person is unique. There has never been a person just like you and there will never be a person just like you. The life you lead is yours. Nobody can lead the same life and do the same things, so that makes you special.
Do not judge yourself by how much money you make or how much power you have or the creative work you produce. Your success lies in the lives of the people you have touched. And if that is only one person, then you are a success. All of us in some way will touch the lives of our parents and our siblings. So from the moment we are conceived, each of us is successful.
Be not afraid to live the life that you want to live. Trust in the belief that you are here for a reason. You are here to make a difference in the lives of others through your creative work. You have a purpose for being. You have been given the gift of life. Accept who you are and celebrate your individuality.